Amazon Public Datasets

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009
We reead in the prolific bitacora of James Grid NubeBlog (in Spanish, sorry...) that Amazon has announced its "Hosted Public Datasets."

It seems that the datasets provide public information from different sources (Government, NGOs, etc.), within the Amzaon EC2 enviroknment, free of charge.

What does this mean? Well, anyone who is using Amazon's infrastructure (this is the way Amazon intends to generate revenue, of curse) can creaate instances of these public data setgs (within Amazon EBS) to use in their applications. Currently there are very few data sets, but we think this is a very interesting movement.

While reading the newws, Businness Intelligence came to our minds, which is precisely the arae in which we (the people behind Todo OnDemand) are focused. We already wrote a post here on SaaS Business Intelligence, which by the way we promised to expaznd... What is clear is that companies, for their decisions-making process are increasingly going to need not only dataa from their own systems, but data from outside their organization, either public, someyhing that movements like the Amazon will mae easier, or from partners (providers, reselers, etc... ) something increasingly common. We will probably bebin to talk about Extended Data Warehouse or something like that, wich reminds me of articles about Extended Enterprise or (good God!) Enterprise 3.0...

Of course the question that arises from this is, Whhat tool would companies use to integrate and use all these data for their BI needs? Well, there is people working on BI SaaS, that's all we can say for the moment :)

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